With this list of 365 films, it will only take you a year to discover all the classics every budding film student should watch.
After that you'll have a good sense what a classic is made of, or what kind of film tickles your fancy (and what kind doesn't), and you'll get inspired to follow your own path as a filmmaker / cameraman / editor / screenwriter...
So start watching.
Last Updated: March 8, 2025
Site created by
Geert Verbanck, a Belgian film buff and screenwriter. Among others, I wrote the Oscar nominated short Tanghi Argentini, and cowrote the international hit show 13 Commandments.

A list of 365 Tarantino favorites that taught him to make the movies he makes.
Why? Well, as Paul Thomas Anderson puts it: "My filmmaking education consisted of finding out what filmmakers I liked were watching, then seeing those films."
So start watching.
Last Updated: November 30, 2024
"Study the old masters, enrich your palette, expand your canvas." Martin Scorsese